About Us | genashtim.com

Our mission is to leverage technology and the internet

to develop and connect marginalized communities to global economy

Genashtim was founded in 2008 with the purpose of providing sustainable, meaningful and gainful employment for the disadvantaged, especially for those from the less-developed economies. In creating a workplace which is inclusive and accessible especially for those with disabilities, we had to develop a 100% work-from-home model. This also led us to build a totally digitalized operation, focussing on eLearning.

It is providential that our challenges in trying to accommodate our diverse workforce have led us to become pioneers in remote work, digitalization and eLearning, which has in turn fuelled exponential growth in our business during the COVID-19 years.

In March 2018

We had 70 employees, of which 90% were persons with disabilities from more than 10 countries around the world. At that point, we started hiring refugees, and other disadvantaged people like the HIV-infected, seniors, and women living under oppression.

PWDs 70%

As of January 2022

We have 150 employees spread all over 20 countries on 6 continents. More than half of them are persons with disabilities, with another 20 to 30% from other disadvantaged groups.

Our Vision

Empowering People

Our remote work model enables us to provide employment opportunities to marginalized communities who face occupational inequality, especially People with disabilities (PWDs), refugees, LGTBQ, seniors and women in oppressed environments. We empower and engage them to develop and deliver products and services to our global clients.

Enabling Business

We serve global businesses by enhancing operational efficiency through improved processes, reduced costs, and outsourcing. Our products and services provide sustainable business advancement through delivery of quality learning and development as well as strengthened Human Capital.

Our Values

Global Mindset

We are global citizens with a global service mindset, going beyond borders to serve our clients across all time zones.


we are true to ourselves and true to others. We know that we can exist only if we deliver value to our clients with transparency.


We move quickly and intentionally. We restructure and re-position with ease to take advantage of opportunities that can grow our businesses, create impact, and server our clients better.


We stand by what we do. We acknowledge our responsibilities and flaws, and consistently explore the best solutions to meet our stakeholders' expectations.

Genashtim's staff in the Philippines

Genashtim's staff in Malaysia

Our social innovation and social impact have been recognised with many international publications and awards – read more on these accolades in the news section of our website.

In 2015, Genashtim was not only certified as a B Corp, but every year since, we have been listed as "Best-for-the-World" among B Corps.

Board of Advisors

We are very blessed and fortunate to have a sterling board of advisors,
who are passionate to help us purely because they believe in what we are doing.

Stella Wong

Dr. Bradley Elphinstone

Willie Tham

Dr. Daniel Tan

Guy Russo

Management Team

thomas ng

Thomas Ng

Founder & CEO

thomas ng

Oh Thean Khoon


thomas ng

Andrea Chua

Human Resources

thomas ng

Ryan Allegado

Chief Technical Officer

thomas ng

Yap Kim Soon

Sales & Business Development

Andrew Manassee

Marketing & Corp. Communications

thomas ng

Macleen Nabong

Learning Digitalisation

thomas ng

Maszuin Kamarudin

Content Development & QA

Why the Name?

Genashtim (pronounced jen-ash-tim) is an acronym of the family members of our founder.
His wife’s name is Genevieve, daughter Ashley, and son Timothy

Genevieve, Ashley and Timothy

“When we first tried to register the company, we proposed a number of different names which describe our business. But they were all either rejected by the registrar of companies because they were too generic, or we could not register a domain which sounds anything like the names we selected. So I had to resign myself to the fact that we would have to come up with name which had nothing to do with our business. After an afternoon of doodling, I came up with Genashtim. Two years into the business, when we had eight employees, I gathered them in a room, and asked them to come up with a new name. I then left the room. A couple hours later, they emerged to say that they thought best to just keep the name.”


Thomas Ng
