ESG Compliance

Genashtim is the second company to be certified as a B Corp in South East Asia since 2015. We are awarded “Best For The World™” – the top 5% of all B Corps on the B Impact Assessment in its size group worldwide every year since then. Genashtim Malaysia is the first Certified B Corp in the country and have made it to the best for the world in 2021 as well. Click HERE to view our certification Status.

As an organization committed to sustainability, Genashtim is keenly aware that the SASB Standards helped identify, manage and communicate financial-material sustainability information.

Please click HERE to view our disclosure report complying with the SASB Standard.

The Global Reporting Initiative (GRI) Standards are the most widely used reporting standard around the world and Genashtim is committed to publishing a sustainability report that complies with the GRI Standards soon.

Genashtim is now Carbon Negative! Please click HERE to read about our methodology and our achievement to be a green company. We are aiming to obtain third-party certification to validate our status within 2022.

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